A trip to Brooklyn, New York is a dream come true for many people. The borough is one of five in New York City. With the highest population, Brooklyn does not require its residents to own vehicles. In fact, only 55% of the nearly 2.7 million residents own a title to a vehicle. With many essentials in close proximity and one of the nation’s best public transportation systems, there is little need for an automobile unless you plan on taking a lot of road trips. Top Brooklyn Electrician
A list of Brooklyn’s top, must-see historical landmarks is listed in the article below.
Bushwick is home to some of the most creative street art. Located at 427 Troutman Street in Brooklyn, Bushwich is accessible via subway. Along with some of the state’s most unique street art, Bushwick features friendly locals, eateries, and pubs.
There are several ways to tour Bushwich. Join a tour and learn more about each artistic piece or set out on your own. Cultural and bike tours are also available to singles, couples, and families.
Green-Wood Cemetery
Green-Wood Cemetery at 500 25th Street in Brooklyn features around 0.5 million graves, some of which belonged to New York’s elite class and other no-so-friendly organizations, such as William “Boss” Magyar Tweed, former Odd Fellows member. Rumor has it, Tweed invested years scamming money from New York City. By the time Tweed passed away, it was believed his wealth was worth millions.
The cemetery features some of the most unique and eye-appealing gravestones. If you decide to incorporate a trip to the Green-Wood Cemetery in your travel itinerary, it is crucial to be prepared. You can spend hours walking from gravesite to gravesite. A comfortable pair of tennis shoes will be your best bet.
Park Slope – Most Amazing Brownstone Homes
If you have an eye for architecture, a trip to Brooklyn’s Park Slope is in store. The neighborhood is home to some of the most fabulous brownstone homes. The best part is, it is within close proximity of 5th Avenue, a very popular shopping district, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and Prospect Park.
You will need a few hours to spare for this trip. Bring your camera along and prepare at least an hour touring the neighborhood.
Park Slope is accessible via the New York City Subway from Ninth and Seventh streets.
The Williamsburg neighborhood is divided into two areas, one of which has been modernized with eateries and shops. Williamsburg is only 15 minutes from lower Manhattan via the L Train.